Feb 1, 2008

The Greeks

The most important cities aren’t in Greece, just throughout Middle East. Multi ethnic and governed by despots (absolute rulers). Greeks will less focus on politics and more on personal happiness. This leads to development of ethical systems. Stoicism – founded by Zeno 335-262. Epicureanism – Epicurus 340-270. Seek what is pleasure, avoid what is painful. This is the pleasure pain principle and Epicureanism. Not always clear. Indulge enough to be pleasurable, but not to a painful extent. The golden mean. Doing a job well gives pleasure. That was insight of Zeno. He thought physical pleasure was fleeting. “Human life has a purpose and we achieve satisfaction by doing something purposeful, doing our jobs well. Greek becomes a language of law commerce and culture. Greek calendar and coinage become more and more standard. Greek cities become prominent for trade, like Alexandria. Hellenistic age is known as the birth of science. Reflect on the physical world and try to understand through science. Euclid and geometry., Archimedes of Syracuse, interested in force.

Asian Religion and Philosophy

Precocious Century. They go through a fertile period of creativity. Intellectual revolutions in sixth, fifth, and fourth centuries. Proper social order – how should we be related? What makes us happy? What is good and evil? Answers are found in religion and philosophy. What is the difference in religion and philosophy? In philosophy you understand the world by studying human society using reason. They are rational. The source of religious truth is revelation. It is handed down by a supernatural power. A couple of notions are important; Asceticism and Mysticism. Asceticism is the belief that you can attain enlightenment only by reducing your dependence upon physical stimuli such as possessions, food, and sex. Mysticism is a belief in the supernatural. Based on visions and experiences. Theism: monotheism, polytheism, pantheism – everything, atheist.

Ancient Persia

Persia becomes considerable in 5th and 6th centuries when Cyrus makes it grow to boundaries of India. It is also beginning to grow a cohesive view of the world. Zoroastrianism. Zoroaster or Zarathustra ca 1000 BC. He brings up the problem of evil. See page 9. If God is good, where does the bad come from? Zoroaster said there were two creative forces. Ahuramazda and Ahriman. Good and Bad. It isn’t a monotheism or polytheism, it is a dualistic religion. Argues that human life is a struggle between good and evil. Called upon to do good, tempted to do evil. At the end of our lives we would be judged by Ahuramazda. Kings convert and everyone wants in. It becomes the thing.

Indian Religion

Head of the ancient hierarchy or the Brahmans. They develop a religion that reinforces the social structure. It is a pantheistic religion. They see human life going on, but human life continues through multiple existences, your soul is reborn in another body. Karma, and a strong caste system. Develop a religious tradition blaming caste system on karma. Reincarnation moves you up or down a caste depending on your works. Challenges begin to arise. Leads to Jainism and Buddhism. Both aim at developing a experience. What will fulfill me? Jainism founder Vardhamana Mahavira. We all share in a single force of life. We will be happiest when this force flourishes. Found in extreme asceticism. Buddhism – Siddhartha Gautama. Not as extreme as Jainism.