Jan 25, 2008

P.96-97 = Pericles speech before Peloponnesian war.

Hellenistic Age

Things go back to the way they were. Sparta tries to translate its victory into hegemony (exercise of control over other countries). It fails in part due to the limitations of Spartan society. Thebes also tries to do it, but the bottom line is no one succeeds. Greece fragments into independent city states. This makes Greece vulnerable to outside aggression. In the 4th century, the Persian Empire was almost disintegrating because of lack of common identity. Greeks didn’t regard Macedonians as Greeks; they were Barbaros (foreigner). People in Macedonia had over the period of centuries grown to be like the Greeks through acculturation. Except, it was organized as a kingdom rather than city states. Potential to command more troops than any city states. King is Philp of Macedon from 359-336. Philp grew up knowing fighting. He was a hoplite. He knew how Greeks fought and trained, knew the battle strategy, and knew how much the Greeks hated each other. His agents do everything they can to boil the rumors and divide Greece. He also revolutionized the Macedonian Army and trains it as a Greek army. So, by 338, Philip can conquer the city states in small groups. Battle of Chaeronea was last of them in 338. Philip is like Julius Caesar, wanted to keep going. He probably wanted to do what his son had in mind. Right next door was the Persian Empire. In 336, his own army officer assassinated him. In 336, Alexander becomes the heir. Becomes heir at about 20. At time was studying philosophy under Aristotle. Alexander proved to be of great military ability. Rallies army, defeats city states, and demolishes the city of Thebes in uprisings. Then calls upon Greeks to destroy Persians. Understands military tactics and politics, so he defeats Persia. Promises liberation to Greeks and Egyptians and they buy it and help against the Persians which helps him demolish the empire. Troops mutiny in 327 “we have fought for 7 years; it is time to go home.” Marries daughter of previous Persian king and encourages soldiers to marry local women in an attempt to merge the upper classes. Dies at age 33 of some disease. Leaves behind his pregnant wife. So, the empire breaks into three chunks. The Seleucids (Mesopotamia and Persia) the Ptolemy (Egypt) and the Antigonids (Macedonia and most of Asia Minor). Greek City states return to the way they were.

Alexander the Great

Why so great? Historians have decided that he deserves title. He had a permanent impact of history. He created a new phase of civilization know as Hellenistic or Greek-like. People continue to speak Greek. Greek is a principle second language, principle for communication. Greek culture just becomes incredibly prominent. The consequence of Alexander’s conquest is unity.


How we understand people in previous civilizations. Culture – how we express many forms ideas take in society. Culture reflects everyday life. Athenian culture – Secular, religion was polytheism, even though they regarded them as powerful, they saw them as capricious. So, the Greeks were interested in human existence that they could control. In terms of Athens, we see progression in literature. The first progression is in the theatre. Pisistratus commissioned plays. Aeschylus (7 plays) – Oresteia. Sophocles (7) – Oedipus Trilogy. Euripides (19) – Oresteia, Medea, etc. Pg. 91-92. Plays based on well known rumors. Greeks didn’t believe in progress and free will, they saw life as an endless circle (such as the metaphor of the year). Had a great belief in fate. It is not what your fate is, but how you deal with it.