Feb 1, 2008

Precocious Centuries

Good and evil, what makes us happy…etc.

Buddhism – Siddhartha Gautama ca 500. pp.41-42 Leads the life of ascetic. Requires reputation of being holy and becomes a teacher to his disciples. His movement becomes popular because he methods seem doable. The middle way – argued that happiness was found by practicing moderation. A balance between hedonism and extreme asceticism. Epicurus talked about pleasure pain as well with the golden mean. Four noble truths. 1. Everyone suffers. 2. Suffering can be overcome. 3. Suffering is caused by desire. 4. You can overcome desire by following the eight fold path. Buddhism taught the doctrine of reincarnation. Eventually desire can be purged and reincarnation ends when you become one with the force of nature. Brahmanic religion is threatened by Buddhism, so some changes happen. It becomes Hinduism. Combines pantheism with polytheism.

Chinese Philosophy

No real religion. They will bring one from the outside. Seek secular solutions to their problems which are characteristic of any country that wants to be large. Variety makes the different groups want to split. Confucius (551-479) Analects on p. 48-49. Filial Piety, idea of gentlemen, aristocratic paternalism, Mandarin class. Second thinker, Mozi. Is an urbanite, unlike rural Confucius. People who make money in cities are self made men. Mozi objects to the aristocratic monopoly on power put in place by the Confucius system. He uses argument of totalitarianism. Deeds are more important than family status. Daoism: Lao Tzu (6th century): Dao de jing. Want to be left alone. Not concerned with rest of community and individuals should live their life without the big government. China collapses into warring states between 403 and 221. Sun Tzu’s Art of War. Page 52-53. Philosophy – legalism, justification for authoritarian government. Because people are bad, greedy, and if we were left alone we would kill each other off. Page 54-58.