Feb 4, 2008

Rome: The Republic and the Empire

Rome is in Italy and the Romans speak Latin. Migrate to Italy around 1000 bc, about the times Dorians moved into Greece. Latins occupied space between Greeks and the Etruscans which is modern day Tuscany. Rome itself was founded on a hill town based on the Tiber, where there was some protection and it was on seven hills. There was an island which facilitated defense, and they were up high for defense and help against diseases like Malaria. Myth of fratridal twins who were offspring of Mars (war).

Named Romulus and Remus, raised by a female wolf. Romulus killed Remus. So, it was called Rome. 753 BC so that marked year one of the Roman calendar. Expulsion of Turquin the Proud, the Etruscan King. This created the Period of the Roman Republic. Swore they would never have a king again. Wanted Rome to belong to everyone. Rez Publica – The Public Thing. Roman Empire. Not Kingdom, because they would not have a king. Class system division between workers and land owners. Patricians and Plebeians. They look to the method of other political institutions, such as consuls and senate. Why are Plebeians going to win equality? Plebeians are armed part of the militia. 494: Right to veto for plebeians. 471: Plebeian assembly. 449: Law of twelve tables. 300: Plebeians enter major magistracies. 287: Plebeian assembly made supreme. Bribe promise to make you patrician by adoption to patrician family. Became democratic, but patricians remained in control essentially.

Roman Expansion

Want to defeat Etruscans and expand. They defeat them in 405 and become militant as they control north central Italy. They naturally want more. They move to the south encountering the Greeks. In 282, Romans defeated King Pyrrhus of Epirus. She is not the only expansionist state. Their rival is Carthage, Northwestern Africa (Tunisia). Descended from Phoenicians who had established an empire in Mediterranean region. Compete over the island of Sicily. This marks a period of warfare that last for a little more than 100 years. These are the Punic Wars. There are three. Make Rome dominant in Mediterranean.