Jan 23, 2008

Development of the Athenian constitution

Middle class is usually most active group. Have some wealth but lack the name and traditions of the aristocrats. This creation led to overthrow of dictatorship by Cleisthenes in 508. New constitution based on democracy giving power to the people to kind of sell his view. Creates large assembly with power for every citizen (locally born, free, male adults). Created Boule (assembly of 500) that was selected by lot. Separated people into ten tribes who selected 50 men at random each year. Direct election of 10 generals (Strategoi) one year terms. Anyone who refused this could be exiled for ten years from Athens. At the same time, Athens is becoming involved in the greater world because at the heart of the new economy is trade.

Persian Wars

Cyrus the Great, King of the Mees, 559-530, consolidating Middle East. Darius from 521-486. Some Greeks fell under Persian rule. They decided to fight back. This was in western Anatolia. Fairly easy to reach region by sea, but difficult by land. Greek city states in Ionia rebel against them because they get assistance from Athens, and mountains can fight off Persians. Persian empire is multi-national/multi-ethnic. Made up of people like Ionian Greeks. If Greeks were successful, Persian wealth wouldn’t change much. Darius decided if he can neutralize Athens, he can solve the problem. Best play would be to cooperate with aristocrats in Athens. “I will invade and oust the democrat gov’t, reinstate dictatorship, and then in return you will adopt a policy of benevolent neutrality to the Persian empire.” In 490, he does that. Sends Persian navy into Aegean with about 20000 troops. 10000 Athenians win because of landscape. One of the soldiers ran from Marathon to Athens with the news, 24.3 miles, gets to acropolis, says we won, and drops dead. Baby Athens beat King Persia. Xerxes decides the only thing Persia can do is annex all of Greece. Well over 100000 men fight 300 Athens in the battle of Thermopylae. So hard to cooperate because Greeks are disunited. Xerxes men tear up Greece and most of Athens is burned down. This is in 480. So in 479 they place all of their infantry under Spartan command and Battles of Plataea and Salamis defeat Xerxes. These are called the Persian Wars. This is what launched Athens on a road to Empire.

Confederation of Delos

After war, great rivalry between Athens and Sparta. Spartans are still pretty weird. They didn’t really want to become leading city state, so they withdraw to Peloponnesus. Athens and Ionian cities aren’t sure things are safe, because Persian Empire is still huge. So they formed a military confederation. The Confederation of Delos centered on island of Delos which is center of Aegean. Island was where Apollo was born, no one lived there, it was a sacrosanct location. Build a treasure to build and maintain permanent fleet. Great navy. Athens was leader of the league. Greek politician Pericles turns army more towards Athens. Elected as strategoi in 461. Reelected for next 30 years. What do voters want? Reforms. Patriotism. Pericles appeals to patriotism and greed. Institutes reforms such as abolishing areopagus, reduces property qualification for office, pay for jurors, council members, soldiers, sailors. After Persians burned city, Pericles build it back up. Parthenon, Phidias, Erectheion, etc. Reconstructs the Agora and builds long walls to protect city. Did all of this without raising taxes. How? In 454 moved treasury to temple of Athena in Athens. Allies decide to withdraw. Pericles says they can’t withdraw. And he has a navy. Uses military to force cities into a political alliance with Athens. Opposes common weights and measures. Athens was uniting Greece. Everyone looks to Sparta for help. They form Peloponnesian league and a sort of cold war begins. In 431 a war begins. The Peloponnesian war. In 430 Athens was hit by the plague and Pericles died. Sparta gets naval power from Persians in 404 and Athens falls. Temporary oligarchy and restoration of democracy.